Free from ChristianAudio is How Should We Then Live? by Francis Schaeffer. Free from Logos is Living the Dream: Joseph for Today by Pete Wilcox.
Making a Case for Books – If you are a book lover, you’ll enjoy this video, a stop-motion film showing the building of a bookcase (by someone who has way better tools than you do).
Not Giving Up! – I appreciated reading Kimberly Wagner’s call for prayer in the midst of life’s battles.
A Puritan Worship Service – Justin Taylor describes you might experience if you could attend a Puritan worship service.
This Is Why We Are Here – I loved reading this short dispatch from the mission field.
Glazed and Confused – Here’s why a lot of Canadians are not thrilled about Burger King attempt to purchase Tim Horton’s.
The Boy with Half a Brain – This is a fascinating longform article that introduces you to a boy who has only half a brain.
Labor Daze – Here are four things you weren’t told during your job orientation. But they are all true, and all fundamental to understanding vocation.