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A La Carte (October 9)


My family enjoyed a good, long Thanksgiving weekend (with my son able to return home from college for the week since Thanksgiving coincided with his mid-term break). And now he’s back to Louisville and we’re back to normal life and life is good.

(Yesterday on the blog: The Cost of Surrounding Yourself with Negative People)

Is Tim Keller a Marxist?

That accusation has been made a lot lately, so White Horse Inn turned to Carl Trueman to answer the question: Is Tim Keller a Marxist (and/or a Cultural Marxist)? His answer isn’t subtle: “I am definitely not an optimistic transformationalist as he is—trust me, things are going to get worse before, well, they get even worse than that. But he is no cultural Marxist, and to call him such is to reveal not the politics of the good doctor but the ignorance of the troll. It is to indulge in the spirit of this age, which eschews thoughtful argument about difficult issues for moronic and often malicious soundbites.”

Taking God’s Name in Vain Is So Much More Than Cursing

Silverio Gonzalez does a good job of teasing out the third commandment so we can see it’s about so much more than cursing.

Sodom and Gomorrah – What Was Their Sin? (Video)

“It’s become popular to claim that the sin of Sodom and Gomorrah was something other than homosexuality. What does the Bible say?” Greg Koukl of Stand to Reason responds to a common question.

Puritans Were Right: Stop Checking Your Email

I enjoyed this reflection on sabbath and being deliberate in shutting down and turning off for set periods.

We Will Out-Sing the Enemy

Jared Wilson: “Sometimes we fear the voice of our accuser will win the day. He mixes the truth with his lies, declaring condemnation over us for our sin. So we must sing our own song but louder still. We must shout out the good news over ourselves and each other.”

The Strange Allure of Pioneer Living

There are some interesting little tidbits in this article on the strange allure of pioneer living. You can’t help but notice the odd contrast between pioneer living and a picture-perfect social media presence.

Europe’s Oldest Intact Book Is Discovered Inside the Coffin of a Saint

“Europe’s oldest intact book has been discovered after being closed inside a hermit monk’s coffin for over 400 years. It will go on display at the British Library as part of an exhibition featuring prized manuscripts like the Lindisfarne Gospels and Beowulf. The show is a once in a lifetime opportunity to see how medieval Anglo-Saxons depicted their own culture through early writings.”

Flashback: The Major Life Decision That Put My Theology to the Test

It is easy to tell others how to make decisions when I’m not the one who is facing the life-altering choice. But then, a few weeks ago, I had to make a decision that would impact my life, my family, and my church. It was grueling and it put my theology to the test.

God is near, therefore hope is near.

—C.H. Spurgeon

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