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A La Carte (October 9)

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Andrew Peterson’s Newest Album Is Now Available

You can now purchase Andrew Peterson’s latest album, The Burning Edge of Dawn.

Everlasting Way

And while we’re on the subject of music, a reader pointed me to this EP by Dan opdeVeigh. You can listen to it for free on Bandcamp. My only complaint is that there are only 4 songs.

Were Early Christian Scribes Untrained Amateurs?

Michael Kruger takes on a common fallacy. “In the ongoing debates about the reliability of early Christian manuscripts, and whether they have been transmitted with fidelity, it is often claimed that early Christian scribes were amateurs, unprofessional, and some probably couldn’t even read.”

5 Warning Signs for the Church in a ‘Facebook Culture’

Sticking with Michael Kruger, he has also written on a very different topic: “What effect does ‘social media’ technology have on the way we view the church? On the way we conceive of life in Christ’s body?”

The Meaning of Marriage

Westminster Books has a great deal on the book, study guide, and DVD for Tim Keller’s excellent book The Meaning of Marriage.

Direct Revelation and Marriage Proposals

And speaking of marriage, we have all heard of these marriage proposals, right? “God told me we should get married,” Jacob said with enough strength to mean it–and with enough of a pause between, “God told me” and “we should…” for Lisa to deduce that he wasn’t so sure about what he was saying.

This Day in 1971. Russell Moore was born. Happy 44th birthday, Russell! You can wish him a happy birthday at @DrMoore.

Restaurant Conveyer Belt

If this is the future of restaurants, I think I’ll just eat at home, thanks.

The Frightening Promise of Self-Tracking Pills

And if this is the future of medication, I think I’ll just take my chances without. Yet a few years from now, both will probably seem perfectly normal.


The Bible simultaneously pictures God as utterly sovereign, and as a prayer-hearing and prayer-answering God.

—D.A. Carson

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