The Vindication of Antonin Scalia – Here’s Al Mohler on yesterday’s news from the Supreme Court: “A giant milestone in the moral revolution passed today when the U.S. Supreme Court turned down every single appeal from several states on the issue of same-sex marriage.”
Pastor Saeed’s Letter to His Daughter – Saeed Abedini, the American pastor imprisoned in Iran, writes an encouraging and beautiful letter to his daughter on her eighth birthday.
Free E-Book – Crossway is giving away a free D.A. Carson book to whomever cares to download it.
The Pastor’s Family – Thom Rainer gives seven ways that the pastor’s family comes under attack.
Ebola Explained – Here’s a short but helpful explanation of Ebola. Speaking of which, you may like to read Pastoral Contentment and the Plague.
The Medium and the Message – Here’s a 50-year retrospective on Marshall McLuhan’s big idea that the medium is the message. It’s amazing to see how deeply the idea has become embedded in our society.