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A La Carte (October 4)

A La Carte Friday 2

The God of love and peace be with you today.

Today’s Kindle deals include one book for kids and several picks for adults.

When Are Two People Really Married?

Contemporary realities have forced many Christians to ask when two people are really married. This is one helpful take on the matter.

Hope for Women in a Post-‘Roe’ World

Erin Hawley takes a look at a book about abortion and shows where it goes far wrong.

Finding Joy in Jesus

Do you feel disconnected from God? Are you just going through the motions of the Christian life without joy? Tim Chester has written a new resource for Christians who want to deepen their relationship with Jesus and truly enjoy him. Get 25% off with code ENJOYJESUS. (Sponsored)

Who Causes Suffering – God or Satan? (Video)

Paul Tripp responds to a question about who causes suffering, God or Satan.

When Our Foundation Falters

Sarah Walton: “When our expectations are shattered, or worse, God seems to be the one with a target on our back, it leaves us questioning, disoriented, and maybe even angry. In our eyes, the God we thought we knew has failed us. In reality, our perception of God is what’s failed us.”

Four Groups of People to Think About in Your Elders Meeting

This is a useful breakdown of four kinds of people elders ought to be thinking about when they meet together. (I would add children in there, though I suppose they would probably fall under the first heading.)

When You Fear Your Best Days Are Behind You

“Instead of comparing how we are now with how we used to be, let’s remember that if we’re still here, we still have good work to do.”

Flashback: My Own Little Paradise in an Ocean of Ugliness

We genuinely do make progress, yet always know that many decades of struggle in this life will be but baby steps compared to the mighty leap we will experience when we are finally perfected in the moment of death. 

True, God shouts to us in our pain, but His answers, as with Elijah, often come to us in whispered still small voices amid the thunders of the world.

—Robert Kellemen

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