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A La Carte (October 31)

Today’s Kindle deals include a few little deals that may be worth a peek.

Visit Christian Audio to download a free copy of Meet Martin Luther. You’d be nuts not to! You’ll find a bunch of other Reformation-related deals as well.

Here We Stand

“500 years after the Reformation was begun, Evangelical Christians rightly celebrate this anniversary of our Reformation faith. But commemoration isn’t enough. Today’s evangelicals do not stand on trial before the Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire, but we do stand on trial before a world that is increasingly secular, and hostile to biblical Christianity. The Modern Age is marked by an alienation of secular elites from historic Christianity. In many cases, that alienation takes the form of outright opposition.”

The Gospel Coalition Reformation 500 Statement

A word from Kevin DeYoung on behalf of The Gospel Coalition council on the 500th anniversary of the Reformation.

Is the Pope the Antichrist?

“These days no one asks a question like this. It seems too arrogant, too outdated, grossly missing the mark of a honest religious conversation. Moreover, any reference to the Anti-Christ seems to be further marred by the fancy treatments that it has received in popular pseudo-apocalyptic novels, futurist accounts of world trends, and millenarist explanations of Christian eschatology.”

8 Contrasting Signs of an Insecure Leader

“Insecurity doesn’t always manifest itself in the same way. For many people, it looks like anxiety, nervousness, or timidity. But did you know that arrogance, domineering, and short-temperedness are also signs of insecurity?”

The Three Essentials For Every Pastor’s Toolbox

“As I’ve entered the ministry myself, I’ve come to realize preaching is not one-size-fits-all. Depending on the setting, the audience, and my schedule, I’ve come to rely on three different forms of preaching/teaching. Whether you are a seminarian, a current pastor, or just a curious church member, let me lift the lid and show you the three most trusty tools in my box.”

A Message of Appreciation to Joni Eareckson Tada

Randy Alcorn writes a message of appreciation to Joni Eareckson Tada, in honor of the 50th anniversary of her life-altering accident.

Responding to CT’s editorial against the Nashville Statement

Denny Burk: “I was disappointed to see that [Mark] Galli [of Christianity Today] has taken an editorial position against the Nashville Statement. My disappointment, however, is not because the statement is above criticism. It certainly isn’t. I for one welcome faithful criticism that would offer improvements based on the light of scripture. Unfortunately, Galli does not offer any such criticism. Nor does he offer even a single argument to demonstrate how the statement might fall short of God’s revelation in scripture or in nature. Not one.”

Flashback: The Cracks Begin at the Bottom

I’ve found myself pondering unity in the local church and considering that cracks in the unity of a church often begin at the bottom. They often begin at the foundation and work their way up to the roof.

Familiarity with vice does not produce disgust, it produces attachment.

—John MacArthur

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