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A La Carte (October 30)


Today’s Kindle deals include a few good books from David C Cook Publishers.

Logos 8 is out! That’s great news for Logos users. Check it out, read about the new features, and get a discount right here.

(Yesterday on the blog: Does Premarital Pregnancy Nullify ‘Unequally Yoked’?)

How to Run a Good Meeting–And Why it Matters More than You Think

If you run meetings, please read this! “What’s the most important skill you need to be successful in ministry? Knowing how to run a good meeting. Ok, that’s not really true. Many other things matter more (a lot more!). But, running a good meeting still matters. And more than you think.”

Jerks for Jesus

Jared Wilson has good things to say: “It’s becoming a common trope on social media — certain figures who spend an inordinate amount of time arguing, picking fights, insulting other Christians or mocking them with scathing sarcasm or silly memes, when reprimanded, citing the biblical prophets, Paul’s harsh words for heretics, or even Jesus’ cleansing the temple as defense for constant platform pugilism. They are “contending for the faith,” they claim.”

Context Matters: The Ten Commandments

“The Ten Commandments have inspired thousands of sermon series, dozens of catechism questions, and even a Hollywood movie. Within the church we parse the Ten Commandments carefully, considering both what they require and what they forbid of us. Despite their ubiquity, we don’t often consider this question: Are we using the Ten Commandments as we should?”

Moral Implications to Cremation vs. Burial (Video)

As Christians, should we be concerned with what happens to our bodies after we die? Does it really matter whether you are cremated or buried? Greg Koukl has an answer.

Behaving “Christianly” in Our Politics

“The question we should be asking, then, isn’t whether Jesus is on our side, but whether we’re on his. This is the appropriate question not only for politics and government, but also every other concern.”

How to Leave a Church

“If you’ve been in a church for even a short time, you’ve experienced it. The pain of people leaving a church in an unhelpful manner. Maybe they just suddenly disappear. Maybe they slowly pull away. Perhaps they leave dragging undiscerning sheep with them. Or worse, they depart, leaving a trail of carnage.” Here’s how to leave well.

How Should I Understand Suffering?

How should I understand suffering? Derek Thomas provides a wise answer.

Flashback: Why Are You Friends with Your Friends

Are you friends with your friends for the sake of your friends? Or are you friends with your friends for the sake of yourself?

Keep in mind that when sin is viewed superficially, it is dealt with superficially.

—Erwin Lutzer

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