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A La Carte (October 3)


If you have (or choose to get) a ONE Audiobooks account, you can listen to Carl Trueman’s Luther and the Christian Life for free this month.

Westminster Kids is a year old and is celebrating with some special sales.

There are a few new Kindle deals today.

Andy Stanley’s Version of Christianity

Denny Burk listened to Andy Stanley’s most recent sermon (which was a response of sorts to some criticism by Al Mohler) and found some matters of deep concern.

A Gift of Chestnuts

Andrea considers a gift she once received and the suspicions she harbored.

Why Learn Greek and Hebrew? The Pastoral Value of the Biblical Languages

“In a day when some evangelical seminaries no longer require the original languages, and with all the pressures of pastoral ministry, students and pastors may wonder whether they should bother learning (and keeping up) Greek and Hebrew. For good reasons, however, many of the most influential, spiritually powerful Christian leaders have prized the biblical languages.”

Why should Christians study the Minor Prophets? (Video)

Derek Thomas explains the Minor Prophets and why they matter.

A Well-Stocked Pantry

Lara d’Entremont: “Michelle intrigued me and confounded me, yet I knew I wanted to be just like her. I sat back in the young mom’s Bible study, rarely daring to raise my voice to add anything. Though I write many words, I speak very few in public. Yet she spoke with such confidence and authority, because she believed, without wavering, in the truth that burned in her bones. Many of her wise words have nestled into my memory permanently, and this is one of them…”

Pondering Pinions

Jill ponders pinions, of all things.

Flashback: 3 Quick Questions Before Quitting Your Church

Before you leave a church, first determine that you will take a period of time to pray—to pray for the people specifically and by name. Then see if your heart remains cool and distant.

A child of God does not only find out sin, but drives out sin.

—Thomas Watson

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