The Green Grass Session – Here’s a new (and unexpected) EP from the Getty’s!
First Sight – It’s not hard to find a great spiritual metaphor in this short documentary about two sisters who receive their sight.
When Your Child’s Personality Annoys You – “God gifts our children with unique personalities. Sometimes we love the way emerging personality traits shape our child’s behavior, but other times they can drive us crazy.” Yup.
The Cult of Neil deGrasse Tyson – I don’t often link to Politico, but I enjoyed this one.
Expositor Magazine – Expositor is a new magazine from OnePassion Ministries (a.k.a. Steven Lawson). Here’s hoping it soon makes an appearance in the app store.
A Story of Grace – I enjoyed this video which testifies to God’s grace. And this trailer for the next Pixar movie.
Gird Up Your Loins – You’ve heard the expression “gird up your loins” in the Bible; here’s an illustrated look at what it actually means. You know, just in case we ever go back to wearing tunics.