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A La Carte (October 29)

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Why Abortion Is Unjust Discrimination

This helpful animated video shows why abortion is unjust discrimination.

Should Christians Take Part in Halloween Celebrations?

“These kinds of disputes are not uncommon in the history of the church. In Biblical times, believers argued about all kinds of things like food, festivals, celebrations, and rules…” (If you want to know my view on it, well, we just sorted out our girls’ costumes for Saturday.)

Scary Stuff

While we’re on the subject of Halloween, Janie at Redeemed Reader says, “In general, I don’t consider horror stories to be of much value for Christians, for three reasons.” (And, as it happens, we do not allow our children to participate in Halloween as horror or occult characters.)

Why “God’s Not Dead” Resonated, and What It Missed

With God’s Not Dead 2 in the works, Trevin Wax looks at why the first movie resonated and what it missed.

Are Daily Fantasy Leagues Immoral?

Daily fantasy leagues are in the news a lot today. Brad Hambrick looks at the phenomenon from a counselor’s perspective and asks whether they are something that Christians should participate in.

This Day in 1837. Statesman and theologian Abraham Kuyper was born 178 years ago today. “So strongly was his Christian touch felt in his native land that the nation came together to celebrate his seventieth birthday.” *

The History of Western Philosophy

Westminster Books is offering a steep discount on John Frame’s massive new work.

Reformation Reminders

Eric Davis offers a series of Reformation Reminders to remind us why the Reformation was a necessity. (I may say more about this later, but touring the grand cathedrals in Germany and Austria and seeing the relics and superstition, was shocking to this Protestant.)


God is good to all in some ways and to some in all ways.

—J.I. Packer

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