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A La Carte (October 27)


Grace and peace to you today.

(Yesterday on the blog: Which Man Was More Free?)

A Reflection on Barna’s Open Generation Report

Youth Pastor Theologian offers some thoughts on a concerning new report from Barna. “This past summer, The Barna Group conducted a global survey that included over 24,000 teenagers from 26 different countries. These teenagers were asked about how they view Jesus, the Bible, and justice.”

Grateful for the Baby We Never Knew

Those who have experienced a miscarriage may find some comfort in this article from Sylvia.

What is the difference between men and women? (Video)

Kevin DeYoung takes on a question that has become controversial in these days.

How Not To Become a Celebrity Pastor

“We’ve been taught that the way you make an organization successful is by finding an exceptional person to lead it—a franchise player—who can put it on the map. Whether it’s Lebron James or Jeff Bezos, all organizations need a superstar. Unfortunately, the church has sometimes adopted this same approach to leadership. If our churches are going to ‘succeed,’ we figure we need our own franchise player to lead us—someone who is strong, dynamic, and inspiring.”

Too Old to Covet?

Andy thought he was was a bit too old to still struggle with a particular sin, but learned that was not the case.

Why the Church?

H.B. Charles Jr: “Christ is the head of the church. And he does not have out-of-body experiences. To submit to the authority of Jesus Christ over your life is to live in fellowship with the church. Here are nine reasons why you should have a high view of the church…”

Flashback: Forest Fires & Apple Orchards

The meek person remembers that he came to God with empty hands; he remembers that he stands before God with a broken heart; and so he has a quiet spirit.

The exercise of love is to be in strict conformity to the revealed will of God.

—A.W. Pink

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