Today’s Kindle deals include a lot more excellent titles. It has been a banquet of amazing deals lately!
Based on the first few links I’ve got here, you’ll have to conclude that Reformation Day is coming!
How Should I Share the Gospel With a Roman Catholic? (Video)
Sugel Michelen answers: “How should we try to share the gospel with a Roman Catholic? Do we confront the differences between Protestants and Catholics head-on?”
Reformation 500: Can Roman Catholicism be Considered Christianity?
“It’s that time of year again when we remember the Protestant Reformation. But this year, it’s really something special: 500 years have passed since the greatest movement of God in church history next to the birth of the church at Pentecost. But was the Reformation really necessary?”
What is the Difference Between Catholics and Protestants? (Video)
Dr. Gregory Wills answers: “What is the difference between Catholics and Protestants?”
Discriminating against People with Down Syndrome
“Abortion of a child with Down syndrome is unjust discrimination. Unborn children with Down syndrome are bona fide human beings but are being discriminated against because they have a characteristic that some people arbitrarily believe disqualifies them from being valuable and protected.”
Benefits of Singing Psalms
I’m no exclusive psalmodist, but I do appreciate this: “It seems to me that when we consider why we ought to sing God’s Word in worship, we tend to spend so much time on debating the question that we neglect the joy and benefits of actually doing so. So let’s skip the exegetical arguments for just today and consider some of the benefits of God’s gift of the Psalms. “
The Attractional Church’s Trojan Rabbit
With a title like that, you just know you need to read it.
How Carnival Games Scam You, According to Science (Video)
Why you should be wary of all those carnival games.
Flashback: Things Christians Just Don’t Get To Do
This one began with a conversation, with a statement within that conversation: “Christians don’t get to hold a grudge!” It’s just not an option, not a vice we can allow ourselves. But it’s not the only thing Christians don’t get to do. Here are a few I’ve encountered lately in life, family, and ministry.