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A La Carte (October 25)


Today’s Kindle deals include a book on studying the Bible, one on poverty and the American dream, a series on Edwards, and a great one on doing battle with sin.

When Feeble Senses Blind

This is a great bit of writing. “Lately my feeble senses have tempted me to believe that God has forgotten to keep His promises. Why does it seem as though what was once full of life and beauty is now dying? How can it be true that one day He will wipe away every tear when there are so many still falling? How can it be that He is working all things for good when the wound aches so?”

What Can Happen When a Transgender Child Transitions…

Is Satan still active in the world today? Read what can happen when a transgender child transitions and you’ll know he is.

As a believer in Jesus Christ, there is no healthier place to be than to remind yourself of who you are and who your God is. That’s what the psalms do so well, that’s what a good devotional life is meant to stimulate.

FBI Agent Explains How Bombs Are Disposed Of (Video)

I found this video fascinating.

Anatomy of the Problem

I’m no fan of gender reveal parties. But that aside, it’s interesting to see how quickly they’ve fallen out of favor because, according to society, biology doesn’t mean anything when it comes to gender. Who are you to look at a baby’s biology and determine whether it’s a boy or girl?

You Can Visit With Brilliant Minds

Camron Hyde: “I’m a slow reader by anyone’s measure. I’m not the person who can finish a book in a day. I am the person who may have to re-read a paragraph two or three times to get it. Sometimes reading can feel like work. But I have grown to love reading.”

The Gospel Frees Us From Shame

I believe this is common among postpartum women: “I never thought my feelings toward sexual intimacy would change so drastically after having babies. Yet, with each pregnancy and every extra pound on my body, I have struggled to believe my husband desires me.”

Answer These 14 Questions before You Preach

These are solid questions for preachers to ask before they count their sermon complete.

Flashback: Things Christians Just Don’t Get To Do

God has freed us by his gospel to a new and better way of living—a way of love, forgiveness, generosity, encouragement, community, submission, industry, purity, and freedom. We don’t get to do those things that would only ever harm us and the people around us.

The more we enjoy of God, the more we are ravished with delight.

—Thomas Watson

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