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A La Carte (October 25)


The Kindle deals continue again today with a pretty good list. You may also want to get Al Mohler’s free new ebook Life in Four Stages.

(Yesterday on the blog: American Gospel)

Four Truths to Hold on to When Your (Pastor) Husband is Discouraged

Here’s one for pastors and their wives. And non-pastors and their wives. “Because we pastors’ wives are in life and ministry with our husbands, because our days and callings and work and relationships overlap, our husbands’ despair is our despair. We are entrenched together like few, if any, other occupations in society. Even when we work outside the home or outside the church, as pastors’ wives, our families, our days, our rhythms of life are set by our husband’s role. And so, when they suffer, we suffer.”

Former CIA Chief Explains How Spies Use Disguises (Video)

Fascinating: Former Chief of Disguise for the CIA, Jonna Mendez, explains how disguises are used in the CIA, and what aspects to the deception make for an effective disguise.

If Kids Don’t Understand Why Miracles Don’t Discredit the Bible, Their Faith Will Be Easily Crushed

“Miracle accounts simply don’t automatically discredit the Bible. Anyone who thinks they do hasn’t thought critically about the subject. Please help your kids understand this so they’re prepared the next time someone tries to make them feel like a fool by making simplistic appeals to ‘common sense.’”

Are Prophecy and Tongues Still for Today?

I found Denny Burk’s recent sermon on prophecy and tongues very helpful. He takes a strong and thoughtful cessationist approach.

My Story of Sickness

This video from Paul Tripp is partly an advertisement for his new book on suffering, but it also tells his story and some of what he has learned through such difficulty.

Seeds Become Fruit and Fruit Becomes Seeds

“Our culture is selling us something, ease, success, cheeriness, perfect abs, airbrushed images. But most of us, if we’re honest, are just a block of wood getting chiseled away at by the Master Maker. There’s an eagle in there somewhere, but not yet, not today. Not until we see Him face to face in glory.”

The City That Had Too Much Money

Here’s an interesting longform article on Vancouver and the way it has tried to deal with foreign money and real estate ownership. “The money is arriving so fast, and in such volume, though, that standing by is no longer an option. Vancouver was perhaps the first major Western city to experience the full force of Chinese capital. Soon, it could be the first to learn what happens when you try to stop it.”

Flashback: Be a Living Example of God’s Living Love

Your love needs to extend beyond your comfort zone. The church is to be a community of people who love one another despite differences, who love one another through differences.

Knowledge without love inflates the ego and deceives the mind.

—Alexander Strauch

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