Today’s Kindle deals include: The American Hour by Os Guinness, Money, Greed, and God by Jay Richards, God’s Indwelling Presence by Jamaes Hamilton, Sgt. York by John Perry, Read the Bible for Life by George Guthrie.
Died: Jack Chick
Christianity Today writes, “Jack Chick, the cartoonist who wanted to save your soul from hell, died Sunday at age 92.”
(Racial) Diversity and Reformed Identity
I really appreciate this article by Joe Kim. “(Racial) diversity within our theological community helps us all form a stronger sense of theological identity and sense of self.”
Photographing 400 Towns in Iowa
This photographer has taken shots of 400 towns in Iowa. Based on what he’s seen and experienced, he speaks about the Trump phenomenon. (Personally, I was drawn by his description of and sympathy with the rural poor.)
Meet the Baby Born Twice
CNN reports on a baby removed from her mother for surgery, then returned to her mother’s womb. Denny Burk asks a legitimate question about this.
The Witchdoctor’s Goats and Halloween
You’ll enjoy this reflection on Halloween at home and in Tanzania, the most superstitious country in Africa.
This Day in 1564. 452 years ago today German composer Hans Leo Hassler was born. He left a rich musical legacy including ‘Passion Corale’ to which the Church sings ‘O Sacred Head, Now Wounded.’ *
10 Things You should Know about Interpreting the Bible
Sam Storms: “Today we look at 10 things we should know about how to interpret the Bible (or conversely, how not to interpret it). But before we begin, it’s important to remember that the Bible is not an answer-book that provides ready-made explanations for all problems or solutions to puzzling questions…”
Speak How You Speak
Here’s a tip for preachers or public speakers: Speak how to actually speak.
ARCTIC – Visual Vibes
There’s a bit of humanism mixed in, but this is still an amazing video displaying the beauty of the Arctic.
Flashback: The Discipline of Watching
This is one of the most important things Jerry Bridges ever taught me: ““Realize that your ‘temptation antenna’ is constantly scanning your environment looking for those areas of sin.”
Let us receive nothing, believe nothing, follow nothing which is not in the Bible, nor can be proved by the Bible.
—J.C. Ryle