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A La Carte (October 23)


There a few book deals today for those who are building their Kindle libraries.

Safe With Me

I don’t really know how to describe or summarize this one, but do recommend you read it!

A Wild Harvest

“On a bleak January day in 1951 our family disembarked from the boat that had brought us back to a land of religious freedom, from a land where the newly formed People’s Republic of China had started a purge to eradicate faith in God from its people.” So begins an account of God’s work in China.

Redeem TV: Stream it Forward

One of the aspects of Redeem TV that thrills us the most is that Redeem TV is global! Redeem TV is being streamed in nearly 200 countries, with nearly 40% of our viewing sessions happening outside of the United States! One of our goals is to provide hope to the world, and this is a great start. (Sponsored Link)

An Analogy for Sin that Hits Home

If you share the gospel with Muslims you may find this a useful analogy for describing the biblical concept of sin. Why? “Our Muslim friends do not feel the weight of the word sin when we use it. There’s a reason for this. Islam has a different definition for sin, one more akin to mistake, flaw, or excusable offense.”

How Does Google’s Monopoly Hurt You? Try These Searches.

There are a number of ways in which Google’s search monopoly harms us. This article explains…

How the Gossip Machine Turns Desire Into Sin

“What is the most frightening verse in the Bible? For some Christians it may be the command of the “complete destruction” of Canaanites in Deuteronomy 7:2 or the appearance of the beast in Revelation 13:1. But for me, the scariest part of Scripture is Jesus’s words in Matthew 12:36: ‘I tell you, on the day of judgment people will give account for every careless word they speak.’” I quite agree!

How Other Languages Tell Time (Video)

Did you know that different cultures and different languages tell time differently? This video explains.

Three Benefits of Paul’s “Thorn in the Flesh”

The Apostle Paul described three benefits that came with all the pain of his “thorn in the flesh.”

Flashback: God Gave Me Three Children (and Three Friends)

It is a thrill and a joy to be both a father and a friend, to relate to them as both children and trusted companions. It is a blessing to be loved not just because they have to, but because they want to.

Having a Christian worldview means being utterly convinced that biblical principles are not only true but also work better in the grit and grime of the real world.

—Nancy Pearcey

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