Today I am heading home from Germany—a process that will consume 15 hours or so. Thanks to all who prayed for me. It was a sweet time of teaching and fellowship and I leave here having made several new friends. I hope to tell you more about it in the near future.
Far Side Christians
WORLD magazine interviews Albert Mohler on what we can learn from two unorthodox sources about responding to crises of faith.
Reflections on the New Spurgeon Library
Donald Whitney gives an interesting report on the dedication of the new C.H. Spurgeon Library at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Kansas City, MO.
If the Bible Rarely Talks About It
I appreciate Mark Cortez’s comments on this subject: “In my theology classes, we often find ourselves wrestling with questions about which the Bible has relatively little to say. And students always wonder if that means these issues aren’t that important. If the Bible doesn’t have much to say about it, should we?”
When Routines Become Idols
Oh, shoot. I’m guilty as charged. “How do we know if our routines are an idol? The ways we respond to interruptions in our routines are a good indicator. If we have a strong emotional reaction or resistance to the disruption of our routines, it should give us pause to stop and consider whether our routines have turned from a good thing to a counterfeit god.”
Letter to a Perplexed Eleven-Year-Old
John Piper posts a public response to a note he received.
This Day in 877. Ignatius, patriarch of Constantinople, died 1,138 years ago today. *
Carl Trueman’s Lecture
I haven’t had time to listen to it yet, but I’ve heard really good things about this lecture by Carl Trueman.
There is more grace in Christ than sin in you.
—Burk Parsons