When Dad Doesn’t Disciple – Here’s an interesting one from Jen Wilkin: “Three kinds of “single moms” exist in the church: the literal single mom who is raising children on her own, the mom whose husband is an unbeliever, and the mom whose husband professes belief but does not partner in the spiritual nurture of the family.”
Cheerful Confidence after Christendom – Here is some encouragement for you as you adapt to a post-Christian world.
6 Costs of Real Friendships – “Do you know how your ‘friends’ are doing? How their hearts are? The spiritual condition of their soul? If we have no idea how our ‘friend’ is doing in their walk with God, what difficult times they are going through, or the sins they struggling with, we have a superficial acquaintance, not a friendship.”
The Multi-Site Model – J.D. Greear is answering some critiques of the multi-site model of church.
Sin Is Worse Than Hell – “For some, the doctrine of everlasting punishment in hell feels like a divine overreaction…”
My Worth – Check out this new song from the Getty’s.