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A La Carte (October 22)

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Ten Dangers of Passive Sanctification

David Murray: “Having highlighted Five Attractions of Passive Sanctification, here are ten dangers that accompany this error.”

11 Steps to Memorizing an Entire Book of the Bible

“How do we go about memorizing an extended section or an entire book of the Bible? Here are 11 basic steps I’ve followed and commend to others…”

The Church is Not a Drive-Through Restaurant

“Because of cultural influences on the church in America in our time, we tend to treat the church like a drive-through restaurant.” It’s true of Canada, too.

The Pleasure of Pleasing God

“God so cares about us as a Father, that he finds happiness in our obedience and sadness in our disobedience.”

This Day in 1746. The charter for the College of New Jersey—whose Board of Trustees included men from William Tennent’s Log College—was granted to revival leader Jonathan Dickenson 269 years ago today. The College would later become Princeton University. *

Five Steps to Meditating on the Bible

“To meditate is to think deeply about what God has said to us in the Bible and to prepare our minds and hearts for prayer. Scripture is the foundation of our praying; meditation readies us for it by helping us focus, understand, remember, worship, and apply.”

Preach As If You Would Die & Go to Heaven When You’re Finished

“If it were revealed to you that you were about to preach the last sermon you would ever give, how would you preach and what would you do different?” Here is some sound counsel.


Our experience of temptation is both a consequence and demonstration of our fallenness.

—Sam Allberry

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