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A La Carte (October 21)

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The Ology

The Ology is a neat new resource for kids from Marty Machowski. It is on sale this week at Westminster Books. It is also available at Amazon.

Single You Will Be the Married You

“Joining a gym won’t instantly transform your physique. Starting a blog won’t immediately make you a good writer. Purchasing a piano won’t make you a musician. The same principle is true for marriage. Getting married will not make you a good spouse or a better person.” Indeed.

Her Heart So Kind and So Weary

Barry York wrote a sweet tribute to his mother.

Five Attractions of Passive Sanctification

“Passive sanctification is an error that has stalked and hurt the Christian church and many Christian lives through the years. The basic idea is that personal holiness is achieved without any personal activity, without any physical effort.” David Murray shows why this is attractive.

This Day in 1885. The martyrdom of two Christians in Africa inspired James Hannington to offer himself as a missionary 130 years ago today. *

The Reformation & the Rediscovery of Christian Assurance

Assurance is such a powerful and important doctrine.

How Confidence Makes Us Kind

“How do we engage the culture with convictional kindness? How do we remain compassionate and loving, even in the face of intense opposition and hostility? If we’re going to be obedient in this, we must have confidence.”


Unless you point to the good news of God’s grace people will not be able to bear the bad news of God’s judgement.

—Timothy Keller

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