Twenty-Two Problems with Multi-site Churches – Jonathan Leeman offers “22 misgivings I have about the multi-site model.” His focus is multi-site churches that use video for the preaching.
What Is Domestic Violence? – “The month of October has been designated Domestic Violence Awareness Month. The goal of this month is to raise public awareness about domestic violence and to educate communities and individuals on how to recognize, prevent, and respond to domestic violence.”
Gordon College – Here’s a soon-to-be-common situation at Gordon College. “Gordon College has been given 18 months to recant. If they do not change the standards for sexual behavior in their ‘life and conduct statement’ (which prohibit ‘sexual relations outside of marriage’ and “homosexual practice”), they will lose their accreditation…”
The Hound of Heaven – Here is a trailer for a new short film from N.D. Wilson that is about to make its debut.
On Not Doing Nothing – “The only wrong thing you can do with the gospel is nothing. Not telling the gospel shows you don’t trust it; you don’t trust Jesus or the one who sent him. It shows your heart. God cannot be fooled, even if we fool ourselves.”
My Best Pastor-Member Meeting Ever – I appreciate this little anecdote that makes a great point.