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A La Carte (October 2)

A La Carte Collection cover image

Scandals, Sandals & Biblical Epics

This article provides a brief biography of filmmaker Cecil B. DeMille who led a fascinatingly contradictory life.

The Prosperity Gospel Has Gone Viral

“Regrettably, the prosperity gospel has gone viral. Being more nuanced and subtle than you may think, it is very active in the church. Like a computer virus it is draining vitality and productivity in the covenant community. And you know what the worst part is? You may not even know that you are impacted by it.”

Tabletalk Magazine

Here are the highlights of this month’s issue of Tabletalk magazine. There are several columns you can read online (though you’ll need a subscription to read all of them).

Seeking Revival in Ontario

Here’s an article and interview about a new Gospel Coalition chapter forming right here in Ontario. Be sure to check out the conference (October 16-17).

What Does Pope Francis Believe?

Ross Douthat, himself a Roman Catholic (though not a great fan of the current pontiff), tries to piece together what pope Francis believes.

This Day in 1792. The Baptist Missionary Society was founded in London, England by 21-year-old William Carey. He later became England’s first great Protestant missionary to India. *

The NFL Commissioner Has a Gambling Problem

Very interesting: “NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell has stated repeatedly his opposition to legalized gambling, asserting that the league’s opposition will not change because of vigilance in protecting the integrity of the game on his watch.”


If you’ve ever tried writing a full-length book in Microsoft Word you’ve undoubtedly realized that it’s just not up to the task. Scrivener is many people’s preferred option, and it’s on sale this week at a 56% discount.


When we bring God’s word directly into our praying, we are bringing God’s power into our praying.

—Joni Eareckson Tada

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