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A La Carte (October 17)


Today’s Kindle deals include an amazing list that features a lot of excellent church history resources.

As is usually the case, Westminster Books has a weekly sale with some good deals on new books.

(Yesterday on the blog: 8 New and Notable Books for October)

Albert Mohler Offers 10 Points on Complementarianism in the SBC

Al Mohler recently spoke at chapel at Southern Seminary and offered 10 points on complementarianism in the SBC. Denny Burk rounds them up in summary form and also links to the full message.

9 Things You Should Know About Prosperity Gospel Preacher Paula White

As you read these 9 things, you just can’t help but notice the amount of chaos in her life and ministry.

The Privileges of Ministry

You often hear about the difficulties of ministry, but it’s important to focus on the privileges as well. “Maybe when the going gets tough, you can reflect on these privileges, and in the midst of burdens, hardships, and disappointments, you can remember the privileges that God has given to those who serve as pastors.”

The Scandal of Gospel Inclusivity

Is the gospel of Jesus Christ inclusive or exclusive? Actually, it’s both! “The gospel of Jesus offers a different kind of exclusivity, because the gospel teaches that our acceptance with God is not based on anything about us. God gives salvation as a gift to all who will repent and receive it in humility and faith.”

Get Your Digital Accounts Ready In Case of Death

It actually makes a lot of sense to get your digital accounts in order in case of death. This article gives some pointers.

Unprepared to Meet Him

“The day of Christ’s return will be the day he will ‘judge the living and the dead’. Christians have confessed this in the words of the Apostles’ Creed for centuries, but, as so often is the case, we can rehearse these words without feeling their weight. More than that, it can be all too easy for those who are already Christians to so gravitate towards the blessing of that day for ourselves, that we do not stop to consider and shudder at what it will mean for those who are outside of Christ.”

When is it Legitimate to Leave a Church?

Here’s one answer to an unfortunately-common and necessary question.

Flashback: 3 Awful Features of Roman Sexual Morality

Confessing and practicing Christian morality today requires bravery, the willingness to obey God rather than men, even in the face of persecution. May God continue to instill that spirit within us.

Both defiant feminism and arrogant patriarchy fall short of the glory of Eden.

—Ray Ortlund

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