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A La Carte (October 16)

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Caring for Aging Parents – “What does Jesus’ example offer for his followers? It reminds us that honoring our parents isn’t simply payback for their care for us in childhood. It’s not a reward dependent on how well they parented us. Care for your parents is a reflection of what we believe about the gospel.” Amen!

Resisting Gossip – Westminster Books is having a great sale on the book Resisting Gossip (an excellent book on a way-too-common problem) and some helpful resources surrounding it. (Here is some video about the book.)

The YRR in the SBC – I appreciate Tim Brister’s comments on what happened to the Young, Restless, and Reformed in the Southern Baptist Convention.

Mark Driscoll Resigns – Mark Driscoll has resigned from Mars Hill Church.

Benefits of a Challenging Teen – Mark Altrogge shows how God works all things for good–even a rebellious or difficult teen.

The Spirit Never Convicts – This makes a lot of sense. “In Christianese, the word is used anytime somebody feels guilty about something and wants to explain that the Holy Spirit was the source of their guilt.” But…


The sermon which does not lead to Christ … will make the devils in hell laugh, but make the angels of God weep.

—C.H. Spurgeon

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