Caring for Aging Parents – “What does Jesus’ example offer for his followers? It reminds us that honoring our parents isn’t simply payback for their care for us in childhood. It’s not a reward dependent on how well they parented us. Care for your parents is a reflection of what we believe about the gospel.” Amen!
Resisting Gossip – Westminster Books is having a great sale on the book Resisting Gossip (an excellent book on a way-too-common problem) and some helpful resources surrounding it. (Here is some video about the book.)
The YRR in the SBC – I appreciate Tim Brister’s comments on what happened to the Young, Restless, and Reformed in the Southern Baptist Convention.
Mark Driscoll Resigns – Mark Driscoll has resigned from Mars Hill Church.
Benefits of a Challenging Teen – Mark Altrogge shows how God works all things for good–even a rebellious or difficult teen.
The Spirit Never Convicts – This makes a lot of sense. “In Christianese, the word is used anytime somebody feels guilty about something and wants to explain that the Holy Spirit was the source of their guilt.” But…