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A La Carte (October 15)

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Nobody Cares How Hard You Work

Ouch! “We chronically confuse the feeling of effort with the reality of results—and for anyone working in a creative field, that means the constant risk of frittering time and energy on busywork, instead of the work that counts.”

The 9Marks Mailbag

I really enjoy the 9Marks mailbag feature. The latest version comes with this interesting headline: “Renting Out Church Facilities; Too Busy to Elder; Transitioning to Closed Communion; Problems with Secret Societies.”

Playboy Is Too Boring to Succeed

That’s the reality, isn’t it? And it’s a powerful illustration of the nature of sin. What at first is shocking and alluring eventually and inevitably becomes bland and boring.

Earliest Known Draft of King James Bible

This is an amazing discovery. “An American scholar has found what he says is an important new clue to the earthly processes behind that masterpiece: the earliest known draft, and the only one definitively written in the hand of one of the roughly four dozen translators who worked on it.”

Five Distortions of Calvinism

David Murray lists five ways that we may distort Calvinist theology through our words and actions.

This Day in 1949. Joni Earickson Tada was born. A very happy sixty-sixth birthday to you, Joni!

Wildlife Photographer of the Year

There are some top-notch photos from this year’s London’s Natural History Museum photography contest.

How to Diffuse the Accusation of Intolerance

This isn’t foolproof, I’m sure, but it’s at least a start.


Our prayers are heard, not because we are in earnest, not because we suffer, but because Jesus suffered.

—Oswald Chambers

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