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A La Carte (October 14)

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Patrol Your Borders

Erik Raymond discusses an important principle of time management: patroling your borders.

Parenting Persons, Not Projects

This is good: “I want to be the best mother I can be, but perhaps the most efficient way to go about this is to remove my child from the center of my universe. Perhaps then I will allow myself to be a holistic human being; and perhaps then I can grant my son that same freedom.”

Bad News, Indeed

You may have heard the rather surprising news that Playboy will no longer publish nude pictures in their magazine. Al Mohler explains why this is truly noteworthy (and not necessarily good news). “Playboy has outlived its ability to transgress and to push the moral boundaries. As a matter of fact, it was a victim of its own sad success.”

A Grief Like No Other

This article offers wisdom and counsel for comforting a friend who has lost a child. “So many of my friends have gone through the unspeakable agony of losing a child—whether in vitro, in infancy, or adolescence—but this is a lonely, solitary agony that even those closest to the parent cannot really shoulder.”

Planned Parenthood Drops Fetal Tissue Fees

This is a very small step forward, but a step forward nonetheless since it forces Planned Parenthood to admit wrongdoing.

This Day in 1735. John and Charles Wesley first set sail for Georgia to preach the gospel to the Americans. *

Book Deals

This week’s deals from Westminster Books include a few I recommend: Transforming Homosexuality, The Imperfect Pastor, and The New Pastor’s Handbook.

Warfield’s “The Biblical Doctrine of the Trinity” Annotated

Fred Sanders has shared what looks like a very helpful resource—an annotated version of B.B. Warfield’s article “The Biblical Doctrine of the Trinity.” It is a 20-page PDF and is free for the taking.


If your heart doesn’t ache for people who don’t know Christ, you may not know Christ yourself.

—Burk Parsons

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