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A La Carte (October 10)


May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with you on this fine day.

Amazon has fabricated yet another couple of Prime Days. My main interest in it is Kindle deals, but unfortunately I couldn’t find too many. You can, however, find Kindle devices discounted today, along with board games, AirPods Pro, and lots of other stuff.

(Yesterday on the blog: Add a Little Extra Beauty)

5 Myths about Gender Identity

This article addresses 5 modern-day myths about gender identity.

Are Sinners Worthless?

“He respectfully asked how I could say that humans are worthwhile if the Bible tells us we’re worthless. I was thrown off guard, because I could see how I appeared to be directly contradicting Scripture.” After all, the Bible seems to say that human beings are both exceedingly valuable and exceedingly depraved.

Extraordinary Engineers (Video)

The John 10:10 Project has released another great little video, this one celebrating the humble bee.

On Leviticus and Living for God through Christ

“Leviticus is perhaps the most underrated book of the Bible. Despite its importance, it is often considered difficult to read and even more difficult to derive any benefit. I hope to contribute to changing that perspective.” Good idea!

He Leads Me Beside Still Waters

“Sometimes … I can only view God’s sovereignty through the lens of suffering. When things are hard or there is some trial in my life, I (rightly) turn to God and confess that He is right in how He orders His universe. He is not simply aware of the trial, but He is over it too. Where I struggle to apply the truth of God’s total sovereignty is in His goodness.”

The Pastoral Training of a Growing Up in a Christian Home

I appreciate this celebration of growing up in a Christian home. “What I realize now is that the Lord had begun depositing ministry insights into my soul years before through the lives of my parents. Both of my parents are committed followers of Jesus and faithful servants in his Church, who, in both the deeply spiritual moments of conversation about God’s Word and in the relatively mundane moments, were sowing seeds of pastoral development.”

Flashback: What I Love To Ponder at 10:01 AM on Sunday Morning

For one day—one day out of the week—the whole earth will have joined to give God the honor due his name.

Our high and privileged calling is to do the will of God in the power of God for the glory of God.

—J.I. Packer

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