It’s rather a slow day for Kindle deals. We will hope for better things tomorrow.
TMS Day 2017
The Master’s Seminary is hosting a virtual open house today. It’s free online and includes several classes, a TMS chapel (with John MacArthur preaching), and a Q&A with John MacArthur.
Harvey Weinstein vs Billy Graham
“Would the Billy Graham rule have prevented exploitation like that seen by Harvey Weinstein? To answer that, we might do well to hear the words of one of Weinstein’s victims…”
After a Man Travels to The Furthest Reaches of the Known World…
Mike Leake shares a neat little story about a man who traveled to the far reaches of the world.
The Virginity Test
I recently read Deuteronomy 22 and was glad to find this explanation of the virginity test it describes.
As Overdose Deaths Pile Up, a Medical Examiner Quits the Morgue
“With the nation snared in what the government says is the worst drug epidemic in its history, routine autopsies like this one, which take more than two hours, are overtaxing medical examiners everywhere.”
#Hashtag #Weakness
“We aren’t a people who excel at weakness. We cover it up with all kinds of other, more palatable, words like tired, sick, stretched-thin, overly busy, or stressed. I think I’ve said them all over the past two years of moving cross-country, having a fifth baby, and planting a church. Even though I’ve felt like I was running a marathon under water – I wrestled to view my situation as weakness. I’d rather press past my humanity in hopes of finding my own God-like strength.”
A Three-Step Strategy for Fighting Sin
Here is a three-step strategy for fighting sin and prevailing over it in your Christian life.
Flashback: 10 Reasons I’m Thankful To Be A Dad
There are so many things for which I owe gratitude to God, but near the top of the list, and on my mind today, is my children. I’m thankful to be a dad for these 10 reasons and many more.