There are lots of Kindle deals today since it’s the first of the month. Enjoy!
Visit Christian Audio to look at their free book of the month–a biography of Steve McQueen. Logos users can check for this month’s free and discounted works at the Logos store.
(Yesterday on the blog: How We Worshipped on One Sunday in September)
9 Things You Should Know About the Bethel Church Movement
You may want to familiarize yourself with the growing and influential Bethel Church movement. “The Awakening Australia event—and its main speaker, Bill Johnson—are increasing the awareness of the controversial church throughout the continent. Here are nine things you should know about the Johnsons and the Bethel movement.”
Why a Tennis Ball Goes Flying When Bounced on a Basketball
“Would you like to do a simple but slightly dangerous physics demo? It will be fun. You just need a basketball and a tennis ball (or any two bouncy balls of different mass). Hold the basketball above the ground with the tennis ball on top of that. Let go of both at the same time.”
University Statement from Board of Trustees – Azusa Pacific University
This is an important follow-up to a story I shared last week. “Last week, reports circulated about a change to the undergraduate student standards of conduct. That action concerning romanticized relationships was never approved by the board and the original wording has been reinstated.”
Abortion Is Wrong. That’s Not Why Roe v. Wade Is Wrong
This is an interesting take on the best strategy for overturning the Supreme Court’s ruling on abortion.
The Big God Behind Your ‘Small’ Ministry
“Haven’t we all been underwhelmed by the work of our own hands at some point? We have a vision of what our ministry or family or career should look like that is so much grander than the current view.”
God Didn’t Call Someone Else to Preach to Your Church
This is the very last thing any church needs! “A church in Colorado recently posted a job listing that created a buzz. They were searching for a preacher who would memorize and repeat sermons preached by famous communicators, such as Steven Furtick. When you listen to certain preachers, they argued, you ‘feel like you were fed.’ So why not try to replicate their preaching?”
Praying for Reformation in the Spanish-Speaking Church
Juan Sanchez: “It is only recently that we’ve begun to see the embers of a gospel flame starting to glow in the Spanish-speaking world. As with any reformation, there is no one source, no one place, no one church, no one ‘reformer.’ Rather, through the internet, podcasts, books, videos, conferences, and relationships, the Holy Spirit is raising up a new generation of gospel-loving, God-glorifying men and women to pray for, encourage, and equip this work.”
Flashback: ‘Tis a Point I Long to Know
’Tis a point I long to know, Oft it causes anxious thought; Do I love the Lord, or no? Am I His, or am I not?