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A La Carte (October 1)

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Building the 787-9 Dreamliner

Here’s a neat time-lapse video showing how a Boeing 787 is built.

The First Rung of Christianity

In this short video Paul Washer comments briefly but powerfully on the porn plague.

Two Ways to Sing to God

“Psalm 81:1 commands us to ‘sing for joy.’ How does this command play itself out practically in our worlds, particularly when we feel joyless? I want to propose that to fully embrace this command, we must learn to sing in two ways: from affection and for affection.”

The Last Enemy

“Death rises to testify that life is absurd and God, if He exists, is either indifferent or impotent or perhaps both. No wonder the Apostle Paul calls it an enemy. The last enemy.”

Is the Enemy of My Enemy My Friend?

You’ve probably heard the little saying before. Al Mohler thinks it through.

This Day in 1883. A.B. Simpson founded the first school in America to train missionaries. Called the Missionary Training Institute in 1894, its name was changed to Nyack College in 1972. *

Knowing Christ

Knowing Christ is the title of a new book by Mark Jones that was inspired by J.I. Packer’s classic Knowing God. It is on sale at Westminster Books. And you can see Jones and Packer in conversation in this video.

A New Book on the Life and Theology of Martin Luther

New from Cruciform Press (the publishing company I co-founded) is Charles E. Fry’s book, A World Upside Down: Four Essays on the Life and Theology of Martin Luther, with a Foreword from Jerry Bridges.


To call a Christian a theist is roughly equivalent to calling the space shuttle Atlantis a glider.

—R.C. Sproul

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