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A La Carte (November 7)


Good morning. Grace and peace to you today.

Here’s your final reminder that this evening at 6 PM EST I’ll be hosting a webinar called Getting the Most Out of Logos. The signup information is at the link. (Unrelated to that, Logos is having new sales each week this month and you can find this week’s selection here.)

You’ll find a couple of new Kindle deals today.

(Yesterday on the blog: What the Mightiest Man Could Never Do)

May the Force Be Ever In Your Favor

Mitch Chase bridges from a butchered movie quote to an interesting discussion of the way the New Testament quotes the Old Testament.

‘Paedobaptism Hath None’ Why Harvard’s First President Resigned

I was not familiar with Henry Dunster and the story of the big change in his theological convictions that led to all kinds of trouble.

Grow in Contentment through Worship

Colin Smith: “God has given you the ability to choose where you focus your attention. What are the good things about your family? What are the good things about your church, your work, your neighborhood? Bring these to mind, especially when you are inclined to complain, and as you do, you will learn to be content.”

Sometimes, no amount of evidence is enough

“It is not uncommon, nor unreasonable, for people to ask us for evidence of why we believe in Jesus. It is perfectly right and proper to give people a reason for the hope that is in us.” Yet as Stephen points out, sometimes no amount of evidence will ever suffice.


Jimmy considers what does and what does not stand as evidence of growing spiritual maturity.

Sit With Your Anxiety

Craig uses a really vivid illustration to help us deal with life’s inevitable anxieties.

Flashback: Why We Can Rejoice that Marriage Will End

Marriage is a wonderful gift and today we thank God for it. But in that day we will praise him for bringing it to an end so we can experience something even better, the very thing it has been pointing us toward all along.

To them that are godly, evil things work for good; to them that are evil, good things work for hurt.

—Thomas Watson

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