There are at least a couple of new Kindle deals for you to consider–books by Joe Thorn and Kevin DeYoung.
Let me give one last call-out to friends in or around Manila. I’d love to see you later this week at the Live It Well conference. I’m excited to meet you there!
Tortured for Christ
I haven’t been able to watch this film yet, but I’ve heard it’s good. Look to the bottom right of the page for a link to watch it online for free.
A Letter to a Ghost
Sam Sey shared a powerful piece over the weekend: “I don’t know if you sleep on a bed or in a casket. I don’t know if you have another life or if you lost it. Either way, I know I’m fatherless.”
Are Women Real?
The issue of transgenderism seems to be leading to a number of great conflicts. “A war is a-brewing… between those that have long battled for women’s rights and activists who deny the biological realities of sex and gender.” It seems inevitable.
The Ebb and Flow of Christian Happiness
Dave Mathis: “Jesus came that we might have life, and have it abundantly (John 10:10), but we do not have it all right now. He came that we might have joy, real joy, wonderful joy, ‘joy that is inexpressible and filled with glory’ (1 Peter 1:8), and yet a ‘great joy’ remains that we sample for now and will experience without interruption in the age to come.”
Being a “World Christian”
I enjoyed this brief discussion on the value of being a “world Christian.” At a recent gathering in Johannesburg, South Africa, D.A. Carson discussed it with Antony Dandato and Nic Kyalangalilwa.
When You Forget Who You Are
“What Piper said can be true of ministry is also true of any kind of intense suffering and pressure in life. Our difficulties can lead us to lose a true sense of who we are. We hear the negative voices in our head and pay more attention to the taunts of our soul’s enemy than we ordinarily would.”
The Bible: Reading the “Ordinary” Way
Greg Koukl explains: “I never like the question ‘Do you take the Bible literally?’ It comes up with some frequency, and it deserves a response. But I think it’s an ambiguous—and, therefore, confusing—question, making it awkward to answer.”
Flashback: What the Wayward Wants
Why is it important to know what the wayward wants? Because “to reach the prodigal, you must first crawl into the story of the prodigal.”