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A La Carte (November 5)

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Duties of the Minister of the Gospel

Geoff Kirkland has a helpful article for ministers. He simply reminds pastors of their essential duties.

Seven Discoveries to Define and Ignite Passion for Missions

Julian: “As we prepare for a new missions course at GFC, I wanted to learn how John Piper and the elders of Bethlehem Baptist Church laboured to create a vision and passion for missions in their local church. Here are seven discoveries and truths they have learned and taught.”

Seven Myths of Contextualization

Bob Kauflin discusses the always-hot topic of contextualization.

Failure Deconstructed

I would have liked Ed Welch to go a bit deeper into his examination of failure, but what he shares here is at least a good start.

This Day in 1858. 157 years ago today, John and Mary Paton arrived on the island of Tanna (now called Vanautu). Mary died soon afterwards. *

10 Ways to Create Unhealthy Schism Over The Extent of The Atonement

These are worth thinking about.

How To Walk Into Church

I will have a review of this book soon. For now, check out the sale at Westminster Books. This is one to purchase in bulk and give out at your church.

For those who don’t keep up on social media, you may enjoy this revised quiz I shared yesterday. I made it 5 years ago but updated and quizzified it yesterday. It’s easy: You read the quote and tell me whether it’s from Joel Osteen or a fortune cookie. (And, to further prove the point, maybe try Paul Washer or Fortune Cookie?)


To trust God in the light is nothing, but trust him in the dark—that is faith.

—C.H. Spurgeon

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