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A La Carte (November 4)

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My Spouse is My Best Friend

I’m not sure that I agree with all that Mark Jones says here, but I do appreciate the basic point that perhaps your spouse should not be your best friend. Read it and see if you agree.

J. I. Packer: In His Own Words

Here’s a neat little documentary about J.I. Packer. (The documentary goes along with this new biography that I am reading and thoroughly enjoying.)

China’s One-Child Policy

Joe Carter has a helpful FAQ on China’s one-child policy and the recent change to make it a two-child policy.

Porn Use as Grounds for Divorce

I am so glad to see Christians thinking and writing about this difficult topic. Here Luke Gilkerson tells how his opinion on the matter has changed over the past couple of years (which coincided with his master’s thesis on the topic).

Matt Bevin

Yesterday Matt Bevin was elected Governor of Kentucky. Denny Burk says, “As that news ripples across the country, what may not be as well known is Bevin’s fervent Christian faith and connection to Southern Seminary where I teach.”

This Day in 1884. C.T. Studd, one of the Cambridge Seven, meets Hudson Taylor 131 years ago today, and is accepted for service in the China Inland Mission. *


I enjoyed Lisa’s article titled simply “Thoughts.” “‘I don’t think stuff anymore,’ I told my husband awhile back. He assured me that I did, in fact, think, and think loads of stuff, just maybe it’s the stuff and the kind of thinking that’s changed. Not necessarily less than, just different.”

How Do Drugs Get Their Names?

Prescription drugs, that is. This video explains why one drug may have many different names, and also explains how it gets those names.

Teens and Media

Here’s one for parents to read and consider. “Teenagers spend nearly nine hours a day absorbing media and despite all the new options, music and television remain the favorites.”


God will not remove the temptation, except you turn from the occasion.

—Thomas Brooks

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