The Myth of Hate – “I’m told writing this post won’t matter. I can clarify until I’m blue in the face and nothing will change. It doesn’t matter what Christians actually think or believe about homosexuality. It seems the world will still believe what it wants to believe no matter what anyone says.”
4 Ways to Speak the Gospel to One Another – Here is specific instruction on a much-discussed practice.
Drive – This video contains a brief and helpful overview of what motivates us.
BBC Collections – Today only Amazon has a lot of their BBC collections on sale. No one does drama quite like the BBC…
A Christian Tightrope Walker – Is there such a thing as a Christian tightrope walker? Here’s David Murray’s answer.
KJV Study Bible – The new King James Study Bible is available, and it looks fantastic.
How Not to Use Greek – Here are 3 ways not to use Greek in Bible study.
Truth Exchange – Peter Jones has some fascinating things to say in this interview from Tabletalk.