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A La Carte (November 3)


Good morning. May the Lord bless you and keep you.

Westminster Books has Christmas books on sale today.

There are a number of Kindle deals from yesterday and today that you may enjoy.

How to Prepare for the Metaverse

“Even as the pace of technological change has felt dizzying and exhausting for churches in recent years, we’ve only seen the tip of the digital iceberg. The real change, which will truly transform our mental, spiritual, and ecclesial landscapes, is coming soon: the metaverse.” This is a concept you should probably get to know.

5 Takeaways From the Facebook Papers

Chris Martin has some good analysis of the Facebook Papers, which I’m sure you’ve heard of by now.

Explore church history, study biblical doctrine, or deepen your faith… here are 30 recommended reformed books from Zondervan Academic. (Sponsored Link)

Are we living in the last days? (Video)

Are we living in the last days? Robert Godfrey answers in a brief video.

Medical Marijuana and Christian Ethics

Alan Branch takes a quick look at issues related to the medical use of marijuana.

Why Suffering Pushes Us Toward or Pulls Us Away from God

“One of novelist John Green’s best-known essays, ‘Googling Strangers,’ recounts a time in his early 20s when he worked for six months as a student chaplain at a children’s hospital, in preparation for a life devoted to ministry. One night, he was alerted by the Emergency Department to the arrival of a 3-year-old child who had suffered severe burns.” Trevin Wax reflects on it.

Quiet Faithfulness in an Ecclesiastes World

“I admit – sometimes I look around and see people flourishing in their work, ministry, families, etc, and at times, makes me wrestle with why trouble and hardship seem to be around every corner for us. Our hard work hasn’t paid off in an earthly sense, our perseverance and fight for faith seems to only lead us into new storms, and at times, I feel passed up and left bleeding on the side of the road while those around me flourish in ministry and opportunities, with only normal, everyday, challenges to overcome.”

Flashback: Do You Have the Faith to be Faithful?

I want to consider what it means to have an exemplary faith, the kind of faith that, if imitated by others, will lead them to become more like Christ. Do you have that kind of faith?

Spouses can be wonderful helpers, but they are sorry saviors. Jesus alone can satisfy something as large as the human soul.

—Garrett Kell

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