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A La Carte (November 28)

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May the Lord be with you and bless you on this fine day.

There is a good little list of Kindle deals today. I have also included a list of some popular general market titles that have been discounted for the day.

(Yesterday on the blog: How Long Has It Been Like This?)

On Culture War, Doug Wilson, and the Moscow Mood

This is a really solid, helpful article from Kevin DeYoung in which he expresses his concerns with Doug Wilson and the movement he has built. “My concerns are not so much with one or two conclusions that Christians may reach if Wilson becomes their intellectual mentor. My bigger concern is with the long-term spiritual effects of admiring and imitating the Moscow mood. For the mood that attracts people to Moscow is too often incompatible with Christian virtue, inconsiderate of other Christians, and ultimately inconsistent with the stated aims of Wilson’s Christendom project.”

Instagram Addicted Your Teenager Because She’s Worth $270 to Them

Some newly redacted documents related to Meta show that the company studies teen biology in order to promote addiction and that it gladly chooses profits over mental health. Chris Martin explains.

Christianity vs Everybody

How could a good God allow evil? Is the Bible homophobic? Is Christ really the only way? Whether you’re new to the faith or have been raised in Christianity your whole life, these questions have most likely crossed your mind, perhaps even creating serious doubts for yourself or someone you know. If you want to deepen your own faith or help those who are struggling, we invite you to join us for our weekend seminar, “Christianity vs. Everybody,” hosted by DBTS. (Sponsored Link)

I Struggle with Dark Intrusive Thoughts that Scare Me. What Do I Do? (Video)

Mike Emlet provides some counsel for people who battle with intrusive thoughts.

Jesus Was not Born in a Stable—and it Really Matters!

I have read a number of explanations as to why the common understanding that Jesus was born in a barn is not exactly accurate. This article lays out the argument with clarity.

Turning Your Complaints into Gratitude – A Great Challenge

Kevin lays down a great challenge—to deliberately labor to turn your complaints into gratitude. You will know, of course, that only one of those comes naturally!

The Complementarian Compass

“When we think about questions relating to the relationship between husbands and wives in the home and the role of men and women in the church, we tend to think of the debate being primarily between complementarians and egalitarians with a binary choice. I want to suggest that there are good reasons for not seeing the conversation in those terms.” This one is worth reading and considering.

Flashback: The Sad, Sad Story You Need To Tell God

You have lost the light of God’s face, not because He has arbitrarily withdrawn it, but because your iniquities have come between you and your God; and your sins, like a cloud before the sun, have hid His face from you.

Pastor, do not let your vision for the church you want get in the way of God’s vision for the church you actually have!

Jared C. Wilson

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