Today’s Kindle deals include some excellent picks from Crossway, all nicely discounted for Cyber Monday. Check them out right here. Also, Amazon has a huge general market Kindle sale today. See those deals here. Finally, you can get $10 off any $25 order of printed books with coupon code HOLIDAYBOOK. Start here.
Also, I continue to update the Black Friday and Cyber Monday Deals for Christians page. There are some excellent deals to be had.
Why You Should Let Complete Strangers Stay In Your Home
Please read this one. “People often come to visit our ministry and they meet some of the characters that live in our home. We have had many over the years. Male and female. Young and old. We have had seriously mentally ill. We have had seriously violent. We have had addicts and alcoholics. We have had criminals galore. ‘Why do you do it?’ That’s always the question. Closely followed by, ‘Aren’t you worried for your girls?’ (I have two girls)”
Making Peace with Parker
I thought this was an excellent bit of writing from Jen Oshman.
The 50 Best Burgers
It is good to have aspirations. Perhaps you can aspire to visit all 50 of these burger joints—the best in each state.
25 Free eBooks
Did you know that Ligonier Ministries is giving away 25 ebooks in the Crucial Questions series to anyone who wants them? They are free for the taking! (Ligonier is this week’s site sponsor.)
I Can’t Wait for Heaven…and That’s the Problem
“Here’s the thing: I can’t wait for the new creation. But not in a good way. Not like a child waiting expectantly for Christmas morning to come. I’m more like the child who sneaks into mum and dad’s room to open the presents early. In my sin and impatience, I want it now. I really cannot wait!”
Don’t Settle for the Gospel of Self-Fulfillment
Trevin Wax explores the popular, deceptive gospel of self-fulfillment.
This Day in 1628. 388 years ago today English preacher John Bunyan was born. He authored more than sixty books including ‘Pilgrim’s Progress.’*
We Believe
Tim Chester shared a new congregational song based on the Nicene Creed.
Let Us Repent of Our Nonchalance
Jared Wilson: “The god of the prosperity gospelists is a pathetic doormat, a genie. The god of the cutesy coffee mugs and Joel Osteen tweets is a milquetoast doofus like the guys in the Jane Austen novels you hope the girls don’t end up with, holding their hats limply in hand and minding their manners to follow your lead like a butler or the doormat he stands on.”
Flashback: Reformed Christians and the Alcohol Issue
I believe there is an issue we need to be aware of that goes beyond the simple issue of whether or not alcohol is forbidden by the Bible. The bigger issue, at least in my assessment, is what people do with the freedom they have found.