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A La Carte (November 27)

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(Apologies to anyone who wasn’t able to access this earlier—something about not having a subscription. I have fixed it and hope it won’t happen again.)

I know my American friends will be taking a day away from the Internet tomorrow. But since Thanksgiving has long since come and gone in Canada, I’ll keep up with things on your behalf! Check back Friday for my annual list of Black Friday deals for Christians. There will be lots of great sales to browse through!

Today’s Kindle deals include a lot of great options, many of them by and for women. Also be sure to see the Pre-Black Friday print book deals here and Pre-Black Friday Kindle deals here.

Wicked Culture Will Trump Politics

Stephen McAlpine: “Trans isn’t really about trans. It’s about presenting a competing vision of humanity to the culture that reframes reality, redirects our teleology, which is now trans-human, actually. Faced with withering hopes for this world and the failing bodies we inhabit, we are seeking to loose ourselves from their surly bonds. We are seeking an identity to be constructed, not to be received.”

God Doesn’t Need You

It is so important to be reminded of this, that though God chooses to use us, he does not need us.

The Benefits of Bible Journalling

Did you know that writing your thoughts down improves memory and retention? Journalling as you study God’s Word is a great way to keep record of your prayers and reflections, as well as impress the truths of Scripture deep into your heart. Get started at 21Five, Canada’s gospel-centred Christian bookstore, with their 50% off sale this week on ESV Fruit of the Spirit Devotional Journals—just $5.50 each! (Sponsored)

A Liturgy for Rest

I really appreciate this little liturgy for rest.

Can I Desire Marriage and Be Content With Singleness?

Sharon Mueni: “I joked with a friend sitting next to me at the event: being single sometimes feels like you belong to the last tribe of Israel, waiting to be allotted land (marriage); at other times it feels more like you belong to the tribe of Levi, where the Lord is your portion, and you will be single forever. Right? Here are a few reflections on what I learnt.” These are valuable reflections.

What Does It Mean to Make the Best Use of the Time?

David Kaywood considers what Ephesians 5:16 means when it calls us to make the best use of the time.

We Thank You, Lord

And think you’ll appreciate Andrea’s meditative prayer of gratitude.

Flashback: How I Review a Book

This is a loose format I follow in many of my reviews and I have found it quite effective in reaching a general audience with an interest in popular-level books. I hope you find it helpful!

Gratitude is a lifestyle. A hard-fought, grace-infused, biblical lifestyle.

—Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth

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