The World’s Most Expensive Book – The story is a day old, and the book sold for $14 million, so the Bay Psalm Book is now the second most expensive book in the world. It is the first English language book ever printed in North America.
The Book of Tebow – This is a long and interesting story on Tim Tebow (remember him?).
Here are a few holiday themed articles: Russell Moore on How to Deal with Holiday Family Tensions; Elisha Galotti on Five Ways to Make the Holidays More Peaceful; National Geographic on Storm Warnings (how do we know when it’s safe for planes to fly?); Desiring God on Five Truths About Thanksgiving. Finally, here’s a Misery Map of how many of today’s flights are running late!
The Future of Family – “As more people move into cities, natural resources decline, climate change heats up, and the “sharing economy” continues to pick up steam, our notions of family will continue to shift. Dragon Rouge, a design and innovation firm in London, has come up with a vision of what family will look like in 2030–and how brands can respond to these future changes.”
Sock Puppets and Other Godly Provisions – I think we all know this experience: “There are times, actually many times, when I do not feel capable of doing what I’m called to do. I look at the day’s schedule of counseling and other commitments and say, ‘No, God, I can’t.’ But as soon as I’ve brought him into the conversation, something changes. “