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A La Carte (November 26)

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Pornography: A Perpetual Pastoral Problem

I was recently a guest on Mortification of Spin to talk with Aimee, Carl, and Todd about the problem of pornography.

5 Reminders for Christian Parents

“Parenting is just hard. It’s tiring. It’s busy. It’s laborious. It’s unending. It’s continuous. It’s demanding. But with all these realities, we as parents must remember that parenting is supremely rewarding!”

Justice Without Facts Is No Justice at All

“Justice without facts is no justice at all. When the institution of justice fails to report the facts, we should suspect injustice would happen.”

The Fruits of the Spirit

“When we look at a tree and see bad fruit, we conclude it is a bad tree. When we look at the same tree and it has good fruit, new fruit, we conclude the tree has changed. There’s not just new fruit but a new tree. This is what God does for His people in regeneration. He doesn’t just change the fruit; He changes the tree.”

This Day in 1789. 226 years ago today, “President George Washington proclaimed this date (a Thursday) to be the first national Thanksgiving Day holiday.” Happy Thanksgiving to my U.S. readers! *

Does Debt Have To Be Part of the College Experience?

Aaron Armstrong speaks with Alex Chediak about college debt. Alex tells about his new book which explores the issue.

The Serial Swatter

The New York Times covers a strange and scary new kind of crime. “Internet trolls have learned to exploit our over-militarized police. It’s a crime that’s hard to stop — and hard to prosecute.” (Note: there’s a bit of bad language.)


To abandon prayer is to embrace atheism.

—Alec Motyer

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