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A La Carte (November 24)


I know America is heading into shut-down mode ahead of the Thanksgiving holiday. While you feast, I’ll be creating my annual roundup of Black Friday and Cyber Monday deals. Stay tuned for that.

There aren’t a lot of Kindle deals today, but on the short list is Albert Martin’s excellent Grieving, Hope and Solace.

(Yesterday on the blog: New and Notable Christian Books for November 2020)

The Greatest Need in Bible Translation

What’s the greatest need? It might actually surprise you. “At some point in the past I can remember asking myself: ‘How hard can translation really be?’ The answer is simple: ‘really hard.’ Translation is hard because languages are different, but also because cultures are different. And one of the most difficult aspects of Bible translation is dealing with unknown ideas: concepts in the biblical language/culture that are absent from the target language/culture.”

If You Can’t be with the Church You Love, Love the Church You’re With

Jared Wilson: “We may be on the verge of another series of church shut-downs, as states scramble to compensate for resurgent Covid19 infections. Many churches have figured out mitigating practices in the aftermath of the summer shut-downs — social distancing, masks, etc. Along with these adjustments has come great congregational migrations.”

Should Your Church Comply With New COVID-19 Orders?

On a related note, here’s some help from 9Marks. “The following memo was written by an elder of a mid-Atlantic church to his fellow elders. The author, formerly a law clerk for a Supreme Court justice, presently works as an attorney and has graciously agreed to let us reprint it here.”

Keep Your Heart With All Vigilance

Here’s H.B. Charles on vigilance. “The command to keep your heart reminds us of the priority of the inner self. What happens within us is always more important than what happens around us. The attitude of our hearts matters more than the circumstances of our lives. The heart of the matter is always the matter of the heart.”

Your Beliefs About Sin Shape Your Evangelism

“What you believe about sin will shape your convictions about missions and evangelism. How we engage in this work, and what we think needs to be done, will in large measure be shaped by what we believe the human problem really is. Sin is a secret power, mysteriously at work in the soul of an unbeliever.”

Let’s Stop Stirring the Pot

Yes, let’s.

The Theology of Place in a Virtual World

“I am concerned that our increase in virtual activity is affecting us more than we realize. There is a theology of place that needs to be considered.” I quite agree.

Flashback: When Was the Last Time You Just Enjoyed Your Money?

There are so many good things we can do with our money. But I think one of the good things we may be prone to miss along the way is just plain enjoying it.

When Jesus says he is Alpha and Omega, he is saying ’I am sufficient for everything; nothing is missing; I am all that you need.

—Warren Wiersbe

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