Happy Thanksgiving to all of my American friends and family! I trust you will enjoy the day giving thanks with friends and family. And don’t worry about a thing out here on the Internet—I’ll hold down the fort.
Ligonier Ministries has a two-part Thanksgiving message from R.C. Sproul you can download for free today.
Today’s Kindle deals include several from Reformation Heritage Books: A Puritan Theology by Joel Beeke & Mark Jones, The Reformation Heritage KJV Study Bible edited by Joel Beeke, The Forgotten Fear by Albert Martin, One Man and One Woman by Joel Beeke, The Gospel’s Power and Message by Paul Washer. Also consider Take Words With You by Tim Kerr and Christian History Made Easy by Timothy Paul Jones.
Thanksgiving as Theological Act
Al Mohler: “Thanksgiving is a deeply theological act, rightly understood. As a matter of fact, thankfulness is a theology in microcosm — a key to understanding what we really believe about God, ourselves, and the world we experience.”
32 Reasons to Give Thanks
Matthew Henry provides 32 reasons we ought to give thanks.
Dyan Comes Home
You’ll enjoy this video. Be sure to read the description first (or read this article).
Biblical Theology a Predictor of Church Growth
WORLD magazine reports on a study I linked to a few days ago: “The key ingredient for church growth in mainline Protestant denominations is Biblical theology, a recent Canadian study found.”
This Day in 1572. 444 years ago today Scottish Reformer John Knox died in Edinburgh, Scotland. *
Could Christ Have Sinned?
It’s a simple question but with no easy answer. Stephen Wellum does a great job answering it here.
Thank God Your Children Are Mediocre Athletes
Here’s one idea for Thanksgiving: “Thank God that your kids haven’t displayed the athletic prowess necessary to trick you into spending a fortune you don’t have for a dream that will almost certainly never materialize.”
Let’s Go Back to ‘Only Begotten’
If you want to push yourself a little, read this article on the term “only begotten” and why we shouldn’t abandon it.
The Hidden War
This video explains the hidden war that goes on in grocery stores.
Flashback: When Was the Last Time You Just Enjoyed Your Money?
It’s okay, you know. You are allowed to enjoy your money. Let’s think it through.