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A La Carte (November 23)

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Happy Thanksgiving to my American friends and family. May it be a day of many blessings. You enjoy your holiday and I’ll get to work on putting together a great big list of Black Friday deals for tomorrow.

(Yesterday on the blog: Before You Go On the Attack)

I Love My Transgender Child. I Love Jesus More.

“My son professed faith in Jesus at a young age. He consistently engaged in spiritual conversations with me, our family, and our church family. We taught the Scriptures in our home through words and actions. So it came as a shock to us when, last year, he stated he had gender dysphoria and wondered if he was transgender. Within a few months, our 18-year-old firmly believed he was transgender and that an LGBT+ identity was compatible with Scripture’s teaching.”

Does the Bible Demand the Disciplinary Smacking of Children?

Stephen takes a look at various Bible passages to ask whether the Scripture really demands that we smack/spank young children as a form of discipline.

When You’re Envious of Others

Christa very transparently shares her battle with envy—how it affected her and how she found success in the battle against it.

Bible Scholar Thinks This Is a Bible Contradiction (Video)

Tim addresses a Bible scholar who says he has spotted a contradiction in the Bible.

I’ve Been a Prosperity Gospel Parent

Hopefully you have a free article with CT so you can read this one. “With a confidence on the scale of first-year seminary students, we proof-texted all the verses in the Bible about parenting, order, and discipline, and we plugged it into an equation for perfect parenting. Our kids were going to be awesome because we were going to be awesome parents. We were parenting by the Book.”

Don’t Always Avoid Pain

Kuza explains why we shouldn’t always avoid pain.

Flashback: A Simple But Life-Changing Realization

To the Christian, God’s commands are promises. They are promises that you really can be this, you really can have this, you really can do this if you take hold of what he offers. God does not merely give the command and then leave you to your own devices.

When I understand that everything happening to me is to make me more Christlike, it resolves a great deal of anxiety.

—A.W. Tozer

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