There are some solid Kindle deals today from IV Press.
A reminder for those who prefer to listen: Many of my articles go out as an audio blog (i.e. podcast). You can find details here.
(Canadians only: Amazon has finally done a one-day board game sale at their Canadian store.)
There Are No Extraordinary Means
I’ll declare this the article of the day. “When you’re removed from something in this way, removed enough to recognize it as something other and not just swim in it, you probably have a better angle of vision on it than others. And I think one thing that these older Christians saw within ambition was a rule of diminishing return with spiritual side effects. It’s what I’m learning right now in my own life and thinking: There’s always something else.”
Don’t Confuse Spirituality with Righteousness
This is a good warning from R.C. Sproul. “Over the years I’ve had many young Christians ask me how to be more spiritual or more pious. Rare has been the earnest student who said, ‘Teach me how to be righteous.’ Why, I wondered, does anybody want to be spiritual? What is the purpose of spirituality? What use is there in piety?”
The Weird Economics of Apple Upsell
(Note: There are a couple of bad words in this one.) This article explains why people are weird and why Apple offers so many phone options.
“Often in our Christian lives when it comes to approaching God’s throne of grace, we see-saw between pride and self-abasement. We come confidently when we’re feeling pretty good about our performance. Or we slink away, guilt ridden and embarrassed to face him when we’ve blown it. Both of these responses reflect a similar dynamic of self-righteousness—that is, we seek to be right in our own eyes. If we’re successful, we feel worthy. If we’re unsuccessful, we feel unworthy.”
Should Christian Parents Ask for Lobola? (Video)
Pastor Ndaba Mazabane provides an answer that may prove helpful in African churches or other multicultural contexts (like here in Toronto, where this question has come up a number of times).
Mere Complementarianism
Denny Burk does a great job here of getting down to the essence of complementarianism.
Erasing Bad Memories
There is talk recently of new procedures or medications that can help erase memories. Gene Veith reflects on what that might mean.
Flashback: Greatness Awaits
Sony promises that greatness awaits us in their games. But Jesus promises a much better greatness. This greatness comes in being a godly husband or an attentive father or a faithful friend or a humble servant. It comes not by going high, but by going low.