A Plea to Prospective University Students – Parents and students need to read this one! “Why is it that year after year, professing Christians students (and their parents) plan their intellectual, academic, professional or social development (or invest in the development of their offspring), and only subsequently ask whether or not their souls will receive faithful and loving care in the only environment on earth that Christ has ordained as the normal means for the lasting health of his people?”
Did Jesus Become a Sinner on the Cross? – Nathan Busenitz looks at Paul’s statement in 2 Corinthians 5:21: “He made Him who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf, so that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.”
Top 5 Reasons Your Church Could Land In Court – A review of 12,000 court rulings from 2012 reveals the most-common reasons that American churches were taken to court last year.
Who Was C.S. Lewis? – C.S. Lewis died 50 years ago today. Sinclair Ferguson writes about his life and legacy.
Prayer Meetings … Sort of – If you are aware of the trellis and vine paradigm, you may benefit from reading this short article on how to merge vine work with trellis work. If you’re not familiar with the paradigm, do yourself a favor and buy the book!
CCC Conference – One final shout-out for the “Marriage, Sex, and Cultural Counterfeits” conference that Denny Burk and I will be speaking at next weekend in Ancaster, Ontario.