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A La Carte (November 21)

Today’s Kindle deals include: A Loving Life by Paul Miller, Loving Jesus More and Loving the Way Jesus Loves by Philip Ryken, Loving God with All Your Mind by Gene Edward Veith, For the Love of God by D.A. Carson, and a number of others.

Does God Expect us to Change the World?

Are we responsible to change the world? If so, how?

Parents: It’s Time to Wake

Specifically, according to Randy Alcorn, it’s time to wake up about pornography and sexting and their impact on your children.

How Christianity Flourishes

Jared Wilson: “Many religions, like Islam for example, seem to thrive on conquest and power. Christianity grows best under hardship.”

Should I Rejoice When My Enemy Falls?

“The human heart is a slippery thing. Our rejoicing over the deliverance of God and the display of God’s character and justice can so quickly morph into something unbecoming a saint of God. We can start rejoicing at their fall instead of rejoicing in God’s deliverance and His character being displayed.”

Encourage One Another

This is important to understand: “Not only do our words reveal what is true of us, they also generate reality for another. Specifically, our words are either death-bringing or life-giving. Either depleting or nourishing, draining or filling.”

Should We Encourage Interracial Marriage?

Of course we should! But John Piper provides a longer, better answer.

The Lord’s Prayer. Ligonier Ministries just released a new teaching series on the Lord’s Prayer that looks excellent. “In this series, Dr. Albert Mohler shows that the pattern of prayer Jesus provides is few in words, yet massive in meaning. His prayer reflects true theology and proper doxology—a perfect guide for our own lives.” Details here.

Canada Is Agonizing About Choosing A National Bird

“The humble, hardy gray jay is poised to become the national bird of Canada — and that’s causing quite a flap.” We Canadians don’t get easily riled up…

The Media’s Business Model and Trump’s Victory

This is an interesting look at how the media’s shifting business model contributed (or even created) Trump’s victory. I don’t think the author is a big fan of Trump, but that’s beside the point.

Flashback: No, You Are Not Running Late. You Are Rude and Inconsiderate!

You are not ‘running late.’ You are rude. You are inconsiderate. You need to change. Greg Savage’s frustration with other people’s tardiness boiled over into an amusing rant that he posted online, and that was subsequently read by hundreds of thousands.


There is a kind of life that leads to death. There is a kind of death that leads to life.

—Alistair Begg

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