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A La Carte (November 20)

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Good morning. Grace and peace to you today.

Today’s Kindle deals include a number of books on apologetics.

(Yesterday on the blog: A Prayer for Times of Anxiety)

Conrad Mbewe shared yesterday that his son Mwansa has gone to be with the Lord. I know you’ll want to be in prayer for the Mbewe family.

How Adoption Mirrors God’s Love for the Fatherless

Amy DiMarcangelo: “Throughout history, God has faithfully used Christians to play a pivotal role in orphan care. Until Christ’s return—when he brings full restoration and makes all things new—we’re called to continue this work.”

4 Aspects of Being Made in God’s Image

What’s bound up in being made in God’s image? Doug explains here.

Lamenting the Church Plant Fad

“I cannot tell you how thankful I am for the quality of church planting movements I have been a part of and a cheerleader for in the last decade across our country. I have seen a genuine uptick in church planting taking its rightful place as a critical value for many denomination and mission organizations. It is right and a beautiful answer to prayers for our nation. It also is in jeopardy of becoming a fad.”

What is Mormonism? And is it different than Christianity? (Video)

This video from Radical helpfully lays out the issues with Mormonism.

Order and Beauty: A Little Theology of Christian Writing

Greg Morse provides a little theology of Christian writing and does so by looking at the Bible’s Wisdom Literature.

Thankfulness (and other habits)

“Historically, Christians have sometimes been too quick to over-spiritualize all anxieties and mental struggles. They recognize the sin and spiritual brokenness that is at the root of all issues, but sometimes offer only spiritual solutions without considering all the complicated mental issues that may be underlying it. In recent years as conversations about mental health are becoming more and more common, some people have gone too far the other way.”

Flashback: A Reflection of Christ

In my leadership am I providing an accurate picture of Christ? Or do the ones I lead see an image of Christ that is warped and distorted? Do they see me looking out for their well-being as Christ looked out for the well-being of those he loved?

‘Wait on the Lord’…is a necessary word, for God often keeps us waiting. He is not in such a hurry as we are, and it is not his way to give more light on the future than we need for action in the present, or to guide us more than one step at a time.

—J.I. Packer

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