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A La Carte (November 20)

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The Syrian Refugee Controversy

Joe Carter’s article will get you caught up on the Syrian refugee controversy (as it pertains to inviting refugees into America).

Bad Doctrine vs. Heresy

Mike Riccardi uses Mohler’s theological triage to attempt to sort the bad doctrine from the outright heresy.

The Short Half-Life of Online Empathy

“Everything’s accelerated these days, and the same must be said for grief online. The Internet cycles through all five stages in as many tweets. We find it hurtling toward us: unavoidable, wall-to-wall.”

Windows Turns 30

Microsoft Windows turns 30 this week. Here’s a visual tour of its history. How many of these versions did you use?

Meaningless Chatter

Here is a selection of words and phrases you may use (especially if you’re a preacher or church leader) that really have no meaning.

This Day in 1541. 474 years ago today at the age of 32, John Calvin established a theocratic government in Geneva, which provided a home base for Protestantism throughout Europe. *

Fascinating Letters From the Time Archives

Time shares the 7 most fascinating letters from their archives. They come from Winston Churchill, John F. Kennedy, Harry Truman, and Tennessee Williams, among others.

What Is an Evangelical?

Christianity Today: “About 2 out of 5 Protestants who call themselves evangelicals no longer qualify under a new definition of what true evangelicals believe. Meanwhile, 1 in 5 Protestants who don’t self-identify as evangelicals actually have beliefs matching the new definition of evangelical.”


Any theology that does not lead to song is, at a fundamental level, a flawed theology.

—J.I. Packer

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