Just so you know, I’m working on a page that will share Black Friday and Cyber Monday deals with a focus on deals that will be of special interest to Christians. There will be a lot to tell you about, so be sure to check in over Thanksgiving weekend.
Today’s Kindle deals include Ed Welch’s must-read When People Are Big and God Is Small. There’s also a family devotional that is perfect for the season and then a collection of books meant to complement the ETS meetings that begin today. There will be great deals all week long so check back every day.
Pray Till You Pray
You may have heard this counsel before: Pray till you pray. This article explains what that counsel means and why you should heed it.
Make the Most of Sunday Mornings: Two Simple Changes
I really appreciate what Matt Smethurst says here about making the most of Sunday mornings. Imagine if every member of a church made these two simple changes!
Do Children Need to Consent to Puberty?
“As a result of this worldview shift in our culture, some people think it’s possible that any process of the body is optional. That’s why they think puberty might need consent. Indeed, even life itself is a matter of consent for some, which is why physician-assisted suicide is gaining in popularity. But there are two fundamental mistakes with this thinking.”
Pleading for Sodom
This is a much-needed word about our true enemy. “Many Christians are grieved and angered by the moral degeneration of our culture. But let us be grieved and angry at the right things: sin and Satan have ruined our world and ravaged countless lives. Many fear for the future. But let us fear the right thing: the judgement of God against our unbelieving neighbors whose only hope is forgiveness through Jesus’ blood.”
What Would Happen if You Became a Christian? A Thought Experiment
This thought experiment from Kenneth is primarily meant for unbelievers, but it’s good for all of us to ponder.
10 Mistakes I Made When Reading the Bible
You have probably made some of these mistakes as well!
Flashback: The Blessing of a Higher Purpose in Our Pain
The chief end of affliction is to glorify God and enjoy him. The purpose of our lives is the purpose of our times of struggle, loss, grief, illness, and bereavement.